The 3 Clues……
1. You aren’t following the plan ….. time to modify
2. Your children’s needs have changed… time to modify
3. Things were left out that now need to be addressed…time to modify
Summer moves everyone into a less structured “whatever” mentality.
In the best of cases, parents learn the Parenting Plan they worked diligently to create, and paid so much money to fight about, isn’t necessary as parents communicate and work through daily parenting issues together.
In the worst of cases, parents only do what the plan says as if it’s the law. Technically it is, if it’s court ordered and therefore “the law.” However, most family law attorneys advise that the parenting plan is meant to be a working document since there are unforeseen circumstances and events that cannot be planned for in advance.
1. You aren’t following the plan ….. time to modify
If you have not been following the plan for some time, there are a few important points to be aware of in this situation. There is a good chance you are paying more or receiving less child support than is equitable.
If one parent wants to reverse or change a modification or reverse or change a restriction or relocation, the adjusted Parenting Plan is working for you. It needs to be officially amended through the court or this will cause serious trouble.
It’s time to modify your plan.
2. Have your children’s needs changed.
If your children’s needs have changed – they are going to a different school, their activities require more after school and weekend time that one or both parents have trouble accommodating, or your child does not want to be around your new significant other, you may need to modify the plan to help your child.
The children and you want more or less time with one parent than the parenting plan and support order outlined, the modified parenting plan should reflect these changes.
It’s time to modify your plan.
3. Things were left out that now need to be addressed.
If the parenting plan is silent on certain issues such as extra-curricular activities, new locations of residence or schools requiring new considerations and agreements, it’s best to modify your plan.
Modification of a parenting plan does not always require hiring attorneys, mediating language and agreements and going to court. On many occasions clients have used my services to draft a stipulation reflecting the changes and calculating a new support order.
Following the court actions saves you from a potential contempt action in the future, or possible back child support and most importantly, keeps your case current in the eyes of the court in case the details are necessary for a later date.
It’s time to modify your plan.
If you have any questions about your parenting plan please call me at 720-943-7707 or Email ME