Divorce lawyers castle rock

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Offering Compassionate and Experienced Legal Representation

If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, getting a legal divorce is the next step. The divorce process can bring about many emotions, some of which are hard to deal with on your own. Working with a team of divorce attorneys allows you to focus on yourself while advocating for your rights and coming up with a divorce agreement that’s fair to you.

Even amicable divorces are much easier with a professional on your side. Discussing matters like child custody, spousal support, and asset distribution can add contention to an already strained relationship. A divorce lawyer on our team will help you get what you deserve in your divorce case.

Our attorneys know how challenging the divorce process can be, and we are here to help guide you through it. Divorce In Colorado helps many clients like you expedite their divorces and open a new chapter in their lives. For a complimentary consultation about your case, please call 720-722-0776 today.

What is the Divorce Process in Colorado?

Colorado is a no-fault divorce state, which means you don’t have to assign blame or have a reason why the marriage is ending. In most cases, couples simply agree that the marriage I is irretrievably broken “.

To legally start the divorce process in Colorado, you must meet the following requirements:

  • At least one spouse has lived in the state for a minimum of 91 days before filing

  • If you have children together, they must have lived in the state for at least 181 days before filing

The Colorado divorce process may vary slightly depending on your circumstances. In most cases, the steps are:

  • Submit a divorce petition to your local courthouse

  • Serve the divorce papers to your spouse if you’re filing separately

  • Provide financial disclosures

  • Have your divorce attorney attend the Initial Status Conference

  • Attend a temporary order hearing, if applicable

  • Attempt to negotiate settlement

  • Go to a mediation session to discuss all divorce terms if you are not able to settle matters

  • Attend a court hearing if you and your spouse cannot agree on divorce terms

What is a Contested vs Uncontested Divorce?

As you start the divorce process, you may hear about “contested” vs. “uncontested” divorces. The type of divorce you’re going through can impact your timeline and the steps you take. The differences between a contested and uncontested divorce are:

Contested Divorce

In a contested divorce, spouses are unable to come to an agreement on key divorce terms or, in some cases, may not even agree on the divorce itself. This type of divorce often involves one spouse filing the petition while the other is served with the divorce papers. Throughout the process, each party may present opposing viewpoints, making it critical to have skilled legal support. 

If you find yourself in a contested divorce, having a Colorado divorce attorney is essential to help guide you through the complexities of the situation and protect your rights.

Signs that your divorce may be contested include:

  • Your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers, delaying the process

  • You and your spouse cannot agree on crucial terms such as child custody, child support, spousal support, or asset division

  • There are disagreements over the creation of a parenting plan, including visitation schedules or decision-making authority

  • Your spouse is acting aggressively, verbally threatening you, or engaging in behavior designed to intimidate or control you during the divorce proceedings

If these signs sound familiar, it’s important to consult with a qualified attorney who can help you navigate the challenges of a contested divorce and ensure your interests are properly represented.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is when couples agree on most of the terms of divorce. Spouses may file jointly to start the process together. In most family law cases, uncontested divorces are much faster and have fewer steps. However, it’s still a good idea to have an experienced divorce attorney on your side to advocate for your rights.

What Are the Major Terms of Divorce?

Before the divorce is finalized, you and your spouse must agree on all major terms or have the Court enter orders. The terms of divorce can vary slightly depending on how long you’ve been married and whether or not you have children together.

Most Colorado divorce cases involve the following terms:

  • Child custody/Allocation of Parental Responsibility: Your child custody arrangement, also called a parenting plan, determines how you will share parenting time with your spouse. Legal custody gives parents decision-making authority, and residential responsibility determines where the children live

  • Child support: In most family law cases, the non-primary parent will pay child support for basic necessities, like education costs, food, and clothing

  • Spousal support: One spouse may be entitled to financial support from the other spouse for a limited or indefinite time period

  • Property division: All marital property and marital assets, including real estate, bank accounts, properties, vehicles, and household items, must be divided equitably between spouses

Does Everyone Attend a Divorce Hearing?

Every divorce case is different. Many couples make it through their divorce proceedings without ever going to trial. In most uncontested divorces, where spouses agree on all major terms, a divorce can be resolved without a hearing. If your divorce is contested and you cannot come to an agreement, it’s much more likely that you’ll need to attend a hearing.

The Colorado court may require a divorce hearing under the following circumstances:

  • The couple has children together, and one spouse is not represented by an attorney

  • The couples cannot resolve issues in their case, like parenting time, asset division, or spousal support agreements

Our team always recommends trying to settle your Castle Rock divorce outside of court if possible. Not only is it faster and likely less expensive, but you can agree on your own terms instead of relying on a judge to tell you what to do.

Should You Speak to Our Team?

Family law matters like divorce cases can be hard to deal with on your own. Separating yourself from your spouse takes time, and a divorce lawyer can help you advocate for your rights to get an agreeable divorce resolution. Our Colorado divorce attorneys at Divorce In Colorado are committed to assisting you throughout your Castle Rock divorce case. We have years of experience in the area, and we are dedicated to getting you the outcome you deserve. For more information, please call us today at 720-722-0776.

Nobody goes into a marriage anticipating that it will end in divorce, but when it does, the resulting conflict is often confusing, frustrating, and painful – especially when there are children involved. At Divorce in Colorado, we focus on helping you get to a satisfactory resolution of all the essential issues while keeping what is best for the children as our top priority.

With extensive courtroom experience, collaborative law training, and completing mediation training through the Colorado Bar Association with Judith Mares Dixon in 2007, many clients choose Divorce in Colorado to work as a neutral with the parties to resolve their divorce and family law related issues through mediation.

Some choose to mediate before hiring attorneys to determine if lawyers will need to advise the clients separately regarding their respective interests. With an exceptional reputation in the legal community, many clients with counsel choose Divorce in Colorado to meditate or participate in settlement conferences to assist with divorce resolution for the parties.

We encourage parents to first design the best parenting plan for their child before worrying about child support. The misconception that a parent should fight for more overnights with their children to limit the amount they pay in support is often a problem.

Whether you pay the most available parent or pay to have your children with you, the cost of having kids before and after divorce is a financial reality.

While the list of “income” is long and detailed, many of our client’s combined annual gross income exceeds the State guidelines of $360,000. This means the calculation for child support may be such that the conversation becomes about what the child’s needs are and what is a reasonable amount for each parent to contribute to support the child.

Should the issue go to trial, the judge will have the discretion to order the child support when the gross income exceeds the child support guidelines.

Divorce In Colorado works with families throughout Colorado, and quite often, one parent is unable to remain in the area after Divorce.

  • Are you getting Divorced and want to move away?

  • Have you tried to live in the same place after the divorce and have new opportunities elsewhere?

  • Do you or your spouse need family support – and they live in a different State?

You may need to negotiate your parenting plan with parents living in different States or modify a parenting plan after you decide to move. Divorce In Colorado can help you determine and negotiate a parenting plan that will serve the best interests of your children and let you live in the place best for you! Divorce in Colorado has the expertise in all the family law needs to represent your family.

If changes to court orders are needed after divorce, our team can help you!

Did you enter court orders that are not working for your family? Did you try to do your divorce – fill out some paperwork- and realize you should have talked to a lawyer?

You may need to change:

  • Child Support 

  • Maintenance

  • Parenting Time

  • Property Distribution

  • Missed issues or detailed provisions of your agreement

  • Allocation of Tax Credits or

  • Property distributions that are not fair and equitable.

If a spouse ever decides not to disclose assets during a divorce is a good idea; know that Colorado law has a 5-year look back, and you may be able to re-open your divorce for reallocation of assets if necessary.

Divorce In Colorado will assist you with determining who the father of the child is, negotiating parental rights, and calculating child support. If someone is accusing you of being the father, and you are not sure, nor interested in paying 19 years of support for a child that may not be yours, contact us now to help you.

Too often, divorcing parents attempt to limit, ruin, or prevent the other parent from seeing or being with their children. At Divorce In Colorado, we firmly believe and advocate for the fact that.

If the other parent is wrongfully limiting your parenting time, access to the children, or otherwise not following the court-ordered parenting plan, Divorce In Colorado will help.

Our time to parent is so brief! Don’t waste your time or your children’s through expensive custody battles and litigation if you don’t have to.

We work with our clients to defend and advocate for their parental rights and the rights of their children to be with and to be loved by them. We have incredible colleagues and mental health professionals to address the real issue before taking legal positions.

Do you think your Divorce may be amicable?

  • Are you afraid of hiring attorneys to help you or thinking about the government a/k/a a judge in Court deciding what’s best for YOUR family?

  • Are you considering Mediation or Collaborative Law to help you through your Divorce?

Unified Divorce is the first and premier option for families to hire a FAMILY attorney!

You shouldn’t go to mediation without legal advice or first exchanging proposals for settlement. Mediation should be the last step – not the first. Consider how many professionals you pay to get through a Collaborative Divorce – lawyers, coaches, financial planners, therapists, counselors?

Unified Divorce was designed to help clients keep their Dissolution of Marriage private, on their timeline, and open communication with one attorney who does not work for either party – but the family! You got into life together, and you are so better served to get out together!

Divorce Lawyers Castle Rock

Are you faced with the prospect of divorce proceedings in Castle Rock, Colorado? No one enters into marriage under the assumption that their union will come to an end. The harsh reality of sifting through the complexity of legal separation is one of the most challenging experiences many of us will ever undergo. If there are children involved in your separation, the situation is complicated even further.

When it comes to dealing with the stress, anxiety, and strife that can accompany a divorce, you need an attorney by your side with experience in family law. Particularly when dealing with child custody, it’s important to work with a divorce lawyer who will prioritize the wellbeing of your children above all other matters.

Divorces can be incredibly complicated: custody, mediation, asset allocation, pre-nuptial agreements, and the possibility of mediation must all be taken into account simultaneously. You need a family law divorce lawyers Castle Rock you can trust.

Castle Rock, Colorado Practice Areas

Nobody goes into a marriage anticipating that it will end in divorce, but when it does, the resulting conflict is often confusing, frustrating, and painful – especially when there are children involved. At Divorce in Colorado, we focus on helping you get to a satisfactory resolution of all the essential issues while keeping what is best for the children as our top priority.

With extensive courtroom experience, collaborative law training, and completing mediation training through the Colorado Bar Association with Judith Mares Dixon in 2007, many clients choose Divorce in Colorado to work as a neutral with the parties to resolve their divorce and family law related issues through mediation.

Some choose to mediate before hiring attorneys to determine if lawyers will need to advise the clients separately regarding their respective interests. With an exceptional reputation in the legal community, many clients with counsel choose Divorce in Colorado to meditate or participate in settlement conferences to assist with divorce resolution for the parties.

We encourage parents to first design the best parenting plan for their child before worrying about child support. The misconception that a parent should fight for more overnights with their children to limit the amount they pay in support is often a problem. Whether you pay the most available parent or pay to have your children with you, the cost of having kids before and after divorce is a financial reality.

While the list of “income” is long and detailed, many of our client’s combined annual gross income exceeds the State guidelines of $360,000. This means the calculation for child support may be such that the conversation becomes about what the child’s needs are and what is a reasonable amount for each parent to contribute to support the child.

Should the issue go to trial, the judge will have the discretion to order the child support when the gross income exceeds the child support guidelines.

Divorce In Colorado works with families throughout Colorado, and quite often, one parent is unable to remain in the area after Divorce.

  • Are you getting Divorced and want to move away?
  • Have you tried to live in the same place after the divorce and have new opportunities elsewhere?
  • Do you or your spouse need family support – and they live in a different State?

You may need to negotiate your parenting plan with parents living in different States or modify a parenting plan after you decide to move. Divorce In Colorado can help you determine and negotiate a parenting plan that will serve the best interests of your children and let you live in the place best for you! Divorce in Colorado has the expertise in all the family law needs to represent your family.

If changes to court orders are needed after divorce, our team can help you!

Did you enter court orders that are not working for your family? Did you try to do your divorce – fill out some paperwork- and realize you should have talked to a lawyer?

You may need to change:

  • Child Support 
  • Maintenance
  • Parenting Time
  • Property Distribution
  • Missed issues or detailed provisions of your agreement
  • Allocation of Tax Credits or
  • Property distributions that are not fair and equitable.

If a spouse ever decides not to disclose assets during a divorce is a good idea; know that Colorado law has a 5-year look back, and you may be able to re-open your divorce for reallocation of assets if necessary.

Divorce In Colorado will assist you with determining who the father of the child is, negotiating parental rights, and calculating child support. If someone is accusing you of being the father, and you are not sure, nor interested in paying 19 years of support for a child that may not be yours, contact us now to help you.

Too often, divorcing parents attempt to limit, ruin, or prevent the other parent from seeing or being with their children. At Divorce In Colorado, we firmly believe and advocate for the fact that.

If the other parent is wrongfully limiting your parenting time, access to the children, or otherwise not following the court-ordered parenting plan, Divorce In Colorado will help.

Our time to parent is so brief! Don’t waste your time or your children’s through expensive custody battles and litigation if you don’t have to.

We work with our clients to defend and advocate for their parental rights and the rights of their children to be with and to be loved by them. We have incredible colleagues and mental health professionals to address the real issue before taking legal positions.

Do you think your Divorce may be amicable?

  • Are you afraid of hiring attorneys to help you or thinking about the government a/k/a a judge in Court deciding what’s best for YOUR family?
  • Are you considering Mediation or Collaborative Law to help you through your Divorce?

Unified Divorce is the first and premier option for families to hire a FAMILY attorney!

You shouldn’t go to mediation without legal advice or first exchanging proposals for settlement. Mediation should be the last step – not the first. Consider how many professionals you pay to get through a Collaborative Divorce – lawyers, coaches, financial planners, therapists, counselors? Unified Divorce was designed to help clients keep their Dissolution of Marriage private, on their timeline, and open communication with one attorney who does not work for either party – but the family! You got into life together, and you are so better served to get out together!

Divorce in Castle Rock

Are you faced with the prospect of divorce proceedings in Castle Rock, Colorado? No one enters into marriage under the assumption that their union will come to an end. The harsh reality of sifting through the complexity of legal separation is one of the most challenging experiences many of us will ever undergo. If there are children involved in your separation, the situation is complicated even further.

When it comes to dealing with the stress, anxiety, and strife that can accompany a divorce, you need an attorney by your side with experience in family law. Particularly when dealing with child custody, it’s important to work with a divorce lawyer who will prioritize the wellbeing of your children above all other matters. Divorces can be incredibly complicated: custody, mediation, asset allocation, pre-nuptial agreements, and the possibility of mediation must all be taken into account simultaneously. You need a family law attorney you can trust.

Practice Areas

Divorce Resolution Through High-Quality Care & Compassion

Castle Rock, Colorado Client Testimonials

Office Location

Castle Rock, Colorado

115 Wilcox Street, Suite 220
Castle Rock, CO 80104

Let’s Start a Healthy Conversation

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